It is no secret that all membranes require periodic cleaning. However, most operators don’t realise that not all cleaning procedures are the same. Simply applying the traditional high pH followed by low pH cleaners, may actually be compounding the problem. For example, in circumstances where bacteria or bio-fouling has occurred, specialised high pH cleaners may need to be applied before introducing low pH cleaners.
Careful attention is required to ensure that the actual volume in tanks and pipes is calculated when mixing the cleaning solutions. In many cases, the volume in the pressure vessels is not taken into account, thereby diluting the solution too much, making it ineffective. Pressure, flow and temperature are also critically important to proper cleaning. Without the right parameters, you could be wasting valuable time and money.
Contact ASM to do a thorough evaluation of your membranes. Let our experience help you lower operating costs and prevent down-time.
Water and Wastewater membranes have a limited life span and need to be replaced periodically, usually about every three to five years depending on the processing rates and conditions.
If there is a catastrophic failure of a membrane, it is essential for membranes to be replaced quickly to minimise down time. Sometimes this can happen with little warning. ASM offers replacement and installation services for your Water Treatment system. Our trained and certified field technicians arrive on site to remove the fouled membranes and install the new membranes.
ASM maintains central stores of membranes, has consignment stocks with manufacturers, and keeps replacement membranes at strategic customers’ sites, to ensure the fastest possible response.
ASM is able to undertake membrane autopsy and provide analytical services in support of clients operations. We can provide simple or advanced autopsy services tailored to our clients need.
This facility is backed up by the following analytical services:
- full chemical analysis of the water supply
- full inorganic chemical analysis of deposits
- determination of organic content
- scanning electron microscopy
- energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis
- critical point drying to preserve biological structures for SEM
- X-ray fluorescence and diffraction
- Surface analysis tools
One of the most important aspects of running an optimised RO system involves monitoring and surveillance. ASM can provide monitoring of RO systems using tools developed specifically for RO measurement and data management. Our proprietary remote monitoring system includes remote automated operating parameter monitoring, constant data trending, operating normalisation, and cleaning forecasting.
In order to keep customer’s RO systems running at peak performance, we also offer comprehensive membrane optimisation and cleaning services. These services include on-site membrane cleaning, off-site membrane cleaning, off-site membrane performance testing, and membrane autopsy and reporting.